In this section on Great Team Mottos, we share with you some examples of team mottos that organizations use, and also give you some ideas on the mottos you can create for your own team.
I’m sure you’ve heard many great team mottos before.
A great team motto seeks to explain the mission of the organization or bring out the spirit of the organization in a short phrase.
Team slogans are usually meaningful and catchy at the same time.
Most people cannot remember your organizational statement, but a motto is catchy, interesting and is easy to remember. This is a connecting point between the customers and the employees of the company.
With the motto, the employees can easily understand what the organization stands for and if motivated, will do their best to live up to the slogan. The customers on the other hand, will associate the motto with the brand so much so that it becomes a kind of unconscious branding.
Trying challenging someone with a “Nike!”, and you can almost be certain they’ll reply with “Just Do it!”. (Or they’ll just call you crazy!) “Nokia!”, “Connecting people.” These mottos have become so well used that they have become synonymous with the brand.
Try doing the same with a mission statement. You can’t! Nobody remembers a mission statement because it’s too long! That’s why it will be useful if you can come up with an inspiring, catchy and interesting logo for your organization or team.
You can look at the following mottos of famous organizations below and you may get some inspiration from them.
Liverpool Football Club: You’ll never walk alone
FC Barcelona: All together we are strong
Anglo-Chinese Independent School (Singapore): The best is yet to be.
Singapore Management University: Be different
Boy Scouts: Be prepared
Brownies: Lend a Hand
Paralympic Games: Spirit in Motion
Adidas: Impossible is Nothing
Nike: Just Do it
Canon: Delighting you always
Google: Don’t be evil
Nokia: Connecting People
Panasonic: Ideas for life
Subway: Eat fresh
Army Cadet Force: To inspire and to achieve
Civil Air Patrol: Always vigilant
If you would like to browse through more mottos, visit Wikipedia’s List of Mottos page for more inspiration.
To have a better idea of what you want to portray, you can also look into the organizational purpose and mission.
Remember that it is important that your motto brings out the spirit of the mission statement of the company.
For example, the Officer Cadet School of the Singapore Armed Forces’ mission is as such:
“By instilling the values and qualities of good leadership, and the skills and knowledge that make an officer, OCS prepares cadets to be professional military commanders of the highest breed in the Armed Forces.”
And this is their motto: “To lead, to excel and to overcome.”
This motto is short, catchy and is able to catch the mission of the School in those few words.
Of course, most importantly, you must formulate a team motto with the key individuals in your team. By taking in everyone’s opinion and finding agreement will come greater ownership and responsibility of the corporate vision. They will be far more motivated to find ways to fulfill and live out the motto of the company.
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‘Just Do it’ is the best one. I love their brand and that slogan is short but empowering!
I didn’t know googles motto was don’t be evil!