An communication tip I can give you is this: To learn to give praise when it is due.
Praises come in the forms of, “Thanks for all your hard work into this project, I really appreciate it.”
to “Wow, you’re looking really spectacular today!”
People want to know that they are important, and that their efforts are recognized so it is important that you learn to praise people for the small things and the big things.
Sam Walton, the owner of the world famous Wal-mart said, “Appreciate everything your associates do for the business. Nothing else can quite substitute for a few well-chosen, well-timed, sincere words of praise. They’re absolutely free and worth a fortune.”
Praise is free, but it’s worth so much
to the receiving person.
In the same way Sam Walton appreciates what the people are doing for his business, so must you do for your organization, whatever it may be.
Don’t think to yourself that it is okay since people are working for the money, not the praise.
That’s untrue.
Yes, while they might have entered your organization for the salary, but ultimately what keeps them there is the environment and the people.
If you can create an affirming environment of praise, you can be sure that people won’t be leaving because of another higher paying job elsewhere.
This is more so in voluntary organizations and churches; your members didn’t follow you because of salaries but for more altruistic reasons; therefore all the more you should give them the appreciation and praise that is due for the efforts.
Here are some things about praise to take note:
Communication Tip on Praising
Give extravagant praise
Remember that measured praise is no praise at all. Don’t say,” You look good today.” When you could have said,” You look stunning today!”
Don’t say,” Thanks for your effort.” Say,” I’m so thankful for you in this project, we couldn’t have done it without you!”
Don’t be afraid to say how you feel. I think there is more problem with Asians in this area; where we choose to receive praise more modestly and also give it out in measure.
Be sincere in praise
Of course, with all that I have mentioned above, be sure that it’s coming from your heart. Don’t praise if you don’t have a hint of appreciation for the person.
Trust me, it will show in your eyes and the other party will be offended. Insincere praise is flattery; you seek to gain something from saying good things about the other person.
Say only what you mean.
Praise in public
Praising in public is much more effective than praise in private. When you praise an associate in public, you lift him up and his conduct for everyone in the room to see.
Look for opportunities where you can publicly celebrate the hard work and dedication of certain individuals and make them feel like a million bucks!
I believe that as you begin use this communication tip and praise people around you, you’ll see a change in the atmosphere of your work environment; people become happier, smile more and you find yourself with a more effective team!
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